Car Bomb in Times Square

May 2, 2010

I slept in this morning and enjoyed every second. When I finally got up and motivated I turned on the TV. Somehow it was on C-Span and without even looking I turned but the channel I turned too had the same thing on.  So I started watching in horror. A CAR BOMB FOUND IN TIMES SQUARE! I was stunned it was like I got punched in the stomach and all I could think was No not again! As I continued watching I was relieved to find out that the bomb was not detonated, no one was hurt, and Times Square was still there. I called a few people, call home , and was shocked to see that no one was really as upset about this as I was. My mother had watched it and went back to sleep. What has happened to us? Has terrorism really become such a part of us that we hardly even notice it anymore. How did you react when you heard the news? Would it have made a bigger impact if the bomb had gone off or are you just as horrified as I was at the idea that this could happen again? It’s sad that in a week, a month, no one will remember this and we’ll feel comfortable and safe again until the next time. So, what did you think when you heard the news?

~Thomasa Pridgen })i({

Hunk of the Week #3 Kyle Gallner

May 2, 2010

So let’s continue objectifying people based on their looks  shall we LOL  This weeks hunk is Kyle Gallner. Kyle is a 23 year old actor born in West Chester Pennsylvania and currently living in Philadelphia. He’s got the baby face, boy next door, clean cut, your  momma would love him, look and though he might not be a big name yet, he’s headed in the right direction.

Kyle’s been on Veronica Mars, Smallville, CSI NY, and many other TV shows but you may have seen him on the big screen in The Haunting in Connecticut or Jennifer’s Body.

If you want to see some of his recent work head to the your local movie theater because he’s playing Quentin O’Grady in the remake of  A Nightmare on Elm Street open in theaters this week. I have high hopes for this movie but a remake is a remake and  if it sucks at least this hunk will be there to take my mind off of the horror on the screen.

~Thomasa })i({

New Ride at Kennywood!!

May 2, 2010

I was telling the fellow blowholes about this, but I didn’t have very much information on it then. For those of you who don’t live in the Western PA region, Kennywood Park has been in the family summer vacation plan here since 1898. It is now in its 113th season and going strong. Kennywood has been known for its trilogy of old school wooden rollercoasters: the Thunderbolt, The Racers, and the JackRabbit. This year they will unleash a new steel coaster, which hasn’t been done at Kennywood since they made The Steel Phantom, The Phantom’s Revenge in May 2001. Here’s a link to a video on

Its called the Sky Rocket and its roacketing off into orbit in June 2010.