The Blowhole Babe of the Week #29: Haley Williams

May 3, 2010

I’ve been listening to a lot of Paramore lately, which means that deep down inside of me, 8th grade Michael is calling me a pussy while jamming to the latest Limp Bizkit CD. Speaking of which, have you heard THEIR new song? It’s not as bad as you’d think. In fact, it’s worse!

But now back to our belated, beloved Babe of the Week discussion. Haley Williams is the adorable lead singer of the band Paramore with the wicked awesome voice you can’t help but love. And I’m sure I’m not the only guy who finds the combo of looks and singing talent to be appealing. I remember when I first heard “Misery Business” a few years back and I thought, I should really hate this song…but I just can’t. So anyway, I never paid too much attention to Paramore over the years, despite maintaining my belief that Ms. Williams was a delight to the eyes and the ears. Whilst Youtube browsing one night a few weeks back I came across the video for “Brick by Boring Brick” and that led me from one song to another and I’m hooked for the time being.

If you’re into the band, I recommend you check out these three songs off their latest album:
“Turn it Off”
“Playing God”