Bring Back Crispy M&Ms

May 18, 2010

Once upon a time (in 1999) the most delicious M&M was released, called the crispy M&M. Then in 2005 it was DISCONTINUED in America!

Why am I bringing this up now? because I was discussing this fact with my co-workers the other day, and we were all equally upset that our favorite M&M was no longer available in this country. I googled the product and apparently the crispies were one of the highest grossing M&Ms, so why don’t they bring them back?

Well, I am not alone in feeling this way because there is also a petition to bring back this marvelous snack:

LOST Babes of the Day: Day 3

May 18, 2010

Oh, Libby and Ilana. We hardly knew either of ye.

Libby (played by Cynthia Watros) appeared in season two as one of the tailies who had survived the crash of Oceanic flight 815 and had been living in a different spot of the island. We’ve seen her pop up in other people’s backstories which revealed that she once spent some time in a mental institution. Why? We never found out. She was killed off at the end of the season, bringing an abrupt end to the romantic subplot with Hurley (who also had spent overlapping time at that same institution) that many fans had grown quite fond of. But ladies, if you want to get a guy’s attention, take a page from Libby’s play book. This season, in the alternate universe (because I still refuse to call them flash-sideways) crazy Libby approached lucky Hurley and basically told him point blank that they had been in love in an alternate universe. If a girl said that to me, I’d have no choice but to give her the maddest of mad props.

Ilana (played by Zuleikha Robinson) appeared early in season five. We don’t know too much about her. It was her duty to protect the remaining “candidates” (not even going into detail about what that means – not enough time or space to do so in one blog) but she, too, was offed before we got a chance to get to know her. If memory serves, we only saw one brief flashback scene for Ilana where she was visited by Jacob while she was all messed up in the hospital. And that was the start of her last (or maybe second-to-last) episode. But she certainly went out with a bang didn’t she? Gotta be careful when handling a backpack full of dynamite.

Check back tomorrow as we recognize two more lovely ladies from that mysterious island.

Blowhole Hunk of the Week #5

May 18, 2010

Sorry it’s a little late, but here he is with all his English boy charms, Ben Barnes!

You might know him by his work as Prince Caspian in the Chronicles of Narnia sequel, but that’s not all he’s done. He has been in countless stage productions, was in a British boy band called Hyrise, and was recently the lead in the newest rendition of Dorian Gray. Let me just say he was more than excellent in that movie.

He got his big break in the movie Stardust, where he played Young Dunstan. After that part he went on the British stage till he was called, some say by Aslan himself, to audition for the role that would launch his career into the “big time.” He says that he based the accent for Prince Caspian after Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride. Ever since then, we’ve all been falling in love, true love with him.

After the success of the Narnia movie, the parts came slowly pouring in. In his movie with American actress, Jessica Biel, called Easy Virtue (the first movie he did with Colin Firth), he proved that he had the chops to not only act, but sing and brood as well. He has worked a lot with the now-older British heart-throb, Colin Firth, and from the looks of things Colin must have given him a few pointers on how to woo women on and off the screen. He definately won my heart over.

Lately he has been busy reprising his role as the Narnian hero Prince Caspain in Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which is in post production right now. I think he has a lot in his future, hopefully me, and I think he could be the next Colin Firth if he plays his cards right. He always jokes that he doesn’t choose a role unless its the same name as in the title. Well, he must be doing something right. His mixture of boyish looks and English charms have done well for him.