Solders Remake Lady GaGa

April 30, 2010

Solders in Afghanistan remake lady GaGa’s Telephone Video.


Try to Stump the Akinator!

April 30, 2010

If you only click on one link today, make sure it’s this one: The Akinator.

What you do is you think of a character, any character at all, as obscure as you’d like. The Akinator will then ask you a series of questions and will almost always guess correctly. To show you the range of knowledge this guy has, when I played he correctly guessed:

Snidely Whiplash (from Dudley Do-Right), Tommy Gavin (from the show Rescue Me), Jareth the Goblin King (from the movie Labyrinth), Jafar (from Aladdin), Gonzo (he’s a Muppet, damn it!), Stinky (from Hey Arnold) – Took him 3 guesses this time, Jay Sherman (from The Critic) – Took him 2 guesses this time, Dobby (from Harry Potter), Mason (from Dead Like Me), Eek (from Eek the Cat), Goldar (from Power Rangers)

I did stump him one single time though, when I used Di Di Malloy (from The Riches) as my character, and then had to “introduce” her to his database after he was defeated.

What I love about this is that there’s no set amount of questions he’ll ask before guessing, so sometimes it seems like he hasn’t asked anything relevant and gets it right, and sometimes he seems to know it right away (I swear, when I chose Dobby, two of the first four questions were “Does this character have big ears?” and “Is this character from Harry Potter?”) but continues asking more questions anyway and gets it right.

UPDATE: After playing again, this time along with my brother, we stumped him once more with Charlie Calvin (from The Santa Clause) and Sam Franklin (the butcher from The Brady Bunch). To be fair, though, we had to look up both characters’ names.

Batman 3 in 2012

April 30, 2010

It’s a movie-news kinda day here, isn’t it? This is the last one I’ve got for now, and truthfully there isn’t too much news to share.

But it doesn’t matter. The next Batman movie has been announced to premiere on July 20, 2012. That’s all they’ve announced about it, but click here to read some of Christopher Nolan’s thoughts on his film.

On one hand, this is great news for me, as I loved The Dark Knight (I was so-so on Batman Begins. Sorry fanboys, but the first hour bored me.) However, it’s because of my love for The Dark Knight that I don’t know if they can possibly top that film. But there’s no question that I’ll see this baby when it comes out.

Speaking of Christopher Nolan films, how insane does Inception look? I know I have to see it and I couldn’t describe the trailer if you put a gun to my head. But I’m a big fan of The Prestige and the aforementioned Dark Knight, so I’ll definitely see this one at some point. I’ll probably wait for DVD though. Seems like one you’ll need to watch more than once.

Oh, and don’t listen to Heather or Thomasa if they ever try to tell you the original four Batman movies are better than The Dark Knight. Just nod and smile…

Make Up Your Mind, Dreamworks!

April 30, 2010

A new Shrek movie is coming out in less than a month. ARE YOU PSYCHED!? I didn’t think so. Nevertheless, the promotion’s been all over the place, and rightfully so. However, the movie is called “Shrek: Forever After” yet I’m pretty sure most ads have been referring to it as “Shrek: The Final Chapter.” As you’ll see below, even the posters are confused. So make up your mind, Dreamworks!

Don’t you just love those puns? To see a bunch more posters and for even MORE cleverness, do click here.Bake no prisoners” is clearly the best.

And one last thing. Remember when the first Shrek came out and Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, and Eddie Murphy were considered to be an all star, A-list cast? What happened there?

New Movie News: Splice

April 30, 2010

IMDB had this up on their main page and so I checked it out. Let me tell you this is definitely going to be a good movie, from the looks of things. And I’m not that into SciFi stuff. Its basic premise is about splicing animal DNA and human DNA to create a new kind of creature. But is it a mistake? We don’t know, but it’s eerily close to cloning, which we know we can do in reality, and they even mention that in the movie. It stars Sarah Polley, who was in Dawn of the Dead and Mr. Nobody, and Adrian Brody as two scientists who create the monster. Check out the trailer.

It comes out June 4th.

Does Someone Want to Get Me This..

April 28, 2010

This seemed humorous to me..

Click the image to buy the book

If You Like Jiu-Jitsu and Reading Books

April 28, 2010

I admit that I haven’t been feeling very optimistic lately, but when I find out that someone has done well in something that they dreamed of doing(and went to school for) well, I can’t help thinking that there might be hope for the rest of us weirdos.

A graduate from the same school as us  Blowhole’s has written a Book!

Here is the Synopsis from Amazon’s website:

“When Marshal D. Carper broke up with his girlfriend, his true love pulled him through: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He packed his white belt and moved from rural Pennsylvania to Hilo, Hawaii to train at the BJ Penn MMA Academy, home of former UFC welterweight champion and current lightweight champion BJ Penn.

The Cauliflower Chronicles follow CarperÆs adventures and misadventures, both on the mat and around the island. He quickly learns that Hawaii is not the carefree paradise advertised in brochures and finds himself feeling like a foreigner in his own country. On the mat, he experiences Hawaiian fight culture from the inside, goes head to head with BJ Penn, and struggles to overcome injuries. Off the mat, he explores the Hawaiian Independence movement and the effects of colonization, battles with giant cockroaches and centipedes, meets a myriad of colorful locals, and travels the island in the bed of the Red Baronùa rusted 1986 Mazda pick-up truck.

At times sad, shocking, and laugh out-loud funny, The Cauliflower Chronicles is a must-read for both sports fans and travel buffs, showing a side of mixed martial arts and Hawaii not available anywhere else.”

The book has not been released yet but you can pre-order it here
so go order it!

Now off with you all and get your creative juices flowin! go build a house out of Popsicle sticks…that’s creative…isn’t it?

Are You In The Mood To Be Creeped Out Today?

April 28, 2010

If you are, take a look at this clip for a thoroughly freaky looking film by clicking here

I’m going to go spew now..

The Mighty Boosh Segment IV

April 27, 2010

Hello class, did you miss me. Well, this teacher’s back and she’s ready to quiz the shit out of you. No, not really I’m just giving one quiz. Please don’t crap your pants. Here it is another clip, a non-singing one even though there’s a song in it. Try real hard to guess which epsiode this came from and even if you don’t know enjoy anyway.

WTF: Work Hijinx

April 26, 2010

I work at Blockbuster and we’re currently taking pre-orders for the new Alice in Wonderland DVD/Blu-Ray release. We were joking around about different creative ways to promote it so we put up a Johnny Depp life-sized stand-up, informing customers of the pre-sale.

As you can see here, my co-worker came up with the corny ass “MAD as a HATTER” line. I wanted it to insist that customers pre-order the movie or “off with their heads,” but we found another use for that one, which you can see below.

We added a couple personal messages for our new store manager to find when he walked in this morning. The speech balloon on Johnny Depp he should see when he first walks in, but the note on the monitor won’t come up until he starts ringing up his first customer of the day.

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that amuse us the most and, most of all, help us get through an otherwise boring shift.