Hunk of The Week #7 Jake Gyllenhaal

May 29, 2010

Where you’ve seen him: As Homer Hickam in October Sky, as the Donnie in  Donnie Darko, as Jack in Brokeback Mountain, and as Jimmy Livingston in Bubble boy.

Oh, and I don’t care what anyone else says I liked bubble boy.”Five hundred dolla!”

Where you can see him right now: As  Dastan in Prince of Persia Sands of Time.

Why he’s worthy of  being our HOTW(hunk of the week: There is a certain goofy quality about him that is very endearing, and goofiness is a big part of being a blowhole. I feel like Jake is the silly neighbor boy who grew up to be hot, yet still retained his personality. Now for the main reason I chose him for the Hunk of the week. The video below…

A Hedgehog doin karate!

RIP Dennis Hopper

May 29, 2010

17 May 1936-

29 May 2010


Have a French Dessert This Summer

May 29, 2010

personally I can eat ice cream during any time of the day during anytime of the year, but most of you normal folk like to eat it during the summer. Here is a fun recipe for a french sorbet creation. I know it’s not ice cream, but sorbet can be good too. So, check it out by clicking here.