Blowhole Hunk of the Week #6 Michael Ealy

May 24, 2010

Some men like a girl with a nice backside or killer legs; some women like a guy with a rippling abs or a strong chest. For me it’s the eyes, it’s always the eyes. When I first saw this week’s Blowhole Hunk he was playing bad boy Ricky Nash in 2002’s Barbershop, and the first things I noticed about him were those big beautiful blue eyes. Michael Ealy, though unarguably handsome, is most attractive because of his talent, presence, and depth.

He was just ‘that cute guy in that movie’ to me until I saw him again in Beyonce’s 2009 music video for Halo. That is when I fell in love.

As his career has progressed, Michel Ealy has proven that he has some serious acting chops  appearing in such films as Miracle at Saint Ann’s, 2 Fast 2 Furious, and Never Die Alone.  To date my favorite part he’s played is Will Smith’s brother Ben in Seven Pounds. If you haven’t seen it you definitely should. And not just because he’s in it —even though that is a pretty good reason. He often plays bad boys with good hearts which could contribute to why I like him so much. I want to see him in some leading roles though. Come on Hollywood!

Currentlly he is playing Marshal Vongel on the ABC TV series FlashForward on Thursday’s at 8/7c.  I’m sure with his natural good looks and talent we’ll be seeing a lot more of him.

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