Car Bomb in Times Square

I slept in this morning and enjoyed every second. When I finally got up and motivated I turned on the TV. Somehow it was on C-Span and without even looking I turned but the channel I turned too had the same thing on.  So I started watching in horror. A CAR BOMB FOUND IN TIMES SQUARE! I was stunned it was like I got punched in the stomach and all I could think was No not again! As I continued watching I was relieved to find out that the bomb was not detonated, no one was hurt, and Times Square was still there. I called a few people, call home , and was shocked to see that no one was really as upset about this as I was. My mother had watched it and went back to sleep. What has happened to us? Has terrorism really become such a part of us that we hardly even notice it anymore. How did you react when you heard the news? Would it have made a bigger impact if the bomb had gone off or are you just as horrified as I was at the idea that this could happen again? It’s sad that in a week, a month, no one will remember this and we’ll feel comfortable and safe again until the next time. So, what did you think when you heard the news?

~Thomasa Pridgen })i({

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