Bubblegum Bill’s 62 in 62: Goosebumpathon

July 6, 2010

A coworker gave me the heads up on a blog that his friend works on. His friend’s got a special little event going on right now. “Bubblegum Bill” purchased 62 Goosebumps books in bulk from Amazon.com and is now reading one per day and dedicating a vlog to each and every one of them. The Goosebumpathon just started this month, so his reviews of the first five books are now up. If you were a fan of the series as a child, (which I was; even though I always bought the books purely based on their covers and didn’t read 70% of them once I left the good ol’ book fair) I highly suggest you check these out. Click the graphic below, which I kindly swiped from the site.

Which Blowhole Am I?

July 6, 2010

Here’s the second installment of the fun game Which Blowhole Am I? The answer to last one, which I’m sure has been highly anticipated, was NICOLE!! We love our quirky Nicole. She has so much talent and really hope she everything she wants in life!! You go for it girl!! Now, can you guess the next blowhole?

Which Blowhole Am I?


 I love all things retro.(Go Go Power Rangers!!)

 I often get a case of the video store snore, since I work at one.

I also loved to review movies a lot.

I have my hair cut short.

Who AM I? (Hurry, I’m trapped in a troll dungeon and the only way out is to tell them my name!!)

Twenty Questions

July 6, 2010

I didn’t know this site existed until I watched this Vlog brother’s video

and then this one

If you were a kid in the late 90’s early 2000’s that you were sure to have seen the game craze 20Q a little hand held game thingy that claimed it could read your mind and was surprisingly accurate… most of the time.  Well they have a website! Check it out. It’s just as fun as the hand held thingy I remember only on my computer screen.


~Thomasa })i({