Hunk of the Week #47 Shia LaBeouf

July 5, 2011

In honor of the fourth of July, this weeks hunk is a movie star who’s films really pack a punch in the firework/explosion department. It’ s Shia LaBeouf

You no doubt recognize him for his big screen success in movies like The Greatest Game Ever Played (a personal favorite), Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Disturbia, Eagle Eye, and or course the Transformers Movie Franchise.
Shia did is own transformation going from a somewhat geeky twerp on Disney’s (You know how we love our Disney) Even Stevens to a action movie, bad ass, heartthrob.

For some reason guys don’t seem to want to show the LaBeouf much love perhaps they are just jealous of the fact that he is rumored to have hooked up with co-star Megan Fox during the filming of the Transformers movies. Fellas don’t hate the playa hate the game.

If you want to see him now you’re in luck. He starring in the newest installment in the transformers universe- Transformers: Dark of the Moon  premiered June 29 and in theaters now. The transformers movies aren’t known or attended for their depth of  plot or dialogue but if you like to see shit get blow to smitherines than this is the movie for you. Michael Bay does action sequences better than anyone else–and that’s about it.

So there you have it. Your Hunk of the Week: Shia LaBeouf

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